Thukra Ke Mera Pyaar (hotstar)
The series follows the journey of Kuldeep, a young man from a modest background who falls deeply in love with Shanvika, a girl from an influential Chauhan family. When Kuldeep confesses his feelings and proposes a relationship, Shanvika initially agrees, and their love story seems to be on track. However, everything changes when Shanvika's family finds out about the relationship. Under pressure, Shanvika denies Kuldeep and accuses him of trying to manipulate her. Heartbroken by her betrayal, Kuldeep vows to seek revenge on Shanvika for her disloyalty. The trailer concludes with Kuldeep's powerful words: "As intense as my love was, my hatred will burn with the same fire." This gripping story delves into themes of love, betrayal, and revenge, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.
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